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Symposia schedule

Symposium Schedule August 3rd 2016


9:15-9:30 Suzanne Alonzo Opening Remarks: The causes and consequences of behavioural plasticity


9:30-10:15 Rui Oliveira Neurogenomic mechanisms of social plasticity


10:15 -11:00 Coffee Break (as per ISBE organizers)


11:00-11:30 Amanda Bretman Understanding the “how” of behavioural plasticity using Drosophila melanogaster sperm competition responses as a model


11:30-12:00 Clare Rittschof Honey bee aggression and brain energy metabolism: a plasticity mechanism that stands the test of time


12:00-12:30 Lucy Aplin Social learning, the spread of innovation and a changing world - studies in great tits Parus major


12:30-14:00 Lunch


14:00-14:30 Bram Kuijper Does transgenerational plasticity increase robustness to changes in environmental variability?


14:30-15:00 Alastair Wilson Plasticity is not a trait


15:00-15:45 Coffee Break


15:45-16:45 Breakout groups + Discussion


16:45-17:00 Nick Royle Closing Remarks: Future research on behavioural plasticity


Further post-symposium discussion over food and drinks - Details to be determined.

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